
The Workplace Violence Reduction Awards (WVRAs) recognise those who excel in different aspects of reducing violence in all types of workplaces in any sector. After all, creating a safe and positive working environment, and responding effectively to all forms of violence and abuse, are key requirement of almost credible agencies, but who are the outstanding performers? This is not a trivial matter. The consequences of getting things wrong are potentially severe, in some cases fatal, and the upside to outstanding performance is considerable. Emulating the best and recognising them has much to commend it.

These awards are designed to be both independent and inclusive, and they are open to anyone who excels at reducing workplace violence. The criteria for these awards are based on extensive research on key factors that contribute to and characterise outstanding performance. 

Our Vision

We aim for the WVRAs awards ceremony to become the definitive event on the calendar for violence reduction professionals. Via a principled approach to the awards we aim to bring attention to those credibly adopting innovative approaches, services and products that make a real difference.

The awards:
• Are independent, credible, transparent and respectable.
• Include a range of categories covering individuals, teams, companies, initiatives and products.
• Are based on extensive international research into the factors that drive outstanding performance
• Bring together experts to recognise and celebrate successful professionals all of whom are involved in different ways protecting people and workplaces from violence

Our Core Values

The awards, and the principles on which they are based, have become a reference point for recognising outstanding performance. The core values are:

Independence: Those who enter don’t have to be a member of an association to be involved – anyone meeting the criteria can enter any category. The only requirement is that entrants are credible and have shown outstanding performance in their field.

Credible: The criteria for each award category are based on research to identify the characteristics of outstanding performance in the relevant area. The awards are underpinned by a strict ethics policy that seeks to ensure judging decisions are fair and impartial.  Judges – generally nominated by associations and interest groups – have to agree to mark according to our published ethics policy, and that includes the requirement to declare any conflict of interest on every mark sheet.

Transparent: It is important to us for everyone to know the criteria for entering, how judges are selected and how the judging process works, so these details are published on the website.

Respectable: The core values have generated interest and respect and recognition globally, as well as opportunities, not just for the winners, but also those who are finalists.

Why Enter the WVRAs?

There are many great reasons for entering the Workplace Violence Reduction Awards (WVRAs):

Credibility – you will become part of an evidence-based scheme which understands what ‘outstanding performance’ in violence reduction really means, and recognises it.
• Gain Recognition and Brand Exposure – if you become a finalist, (and especially if you are a winner), you will gain both national and international recognition.
Value – you will bring positive recognition to your own staff and welcome attention to (potential) clients, investors and other stakeholders.
Industry Benchmarking – you will be able to set yourself apart from the competition by gaining independent recognition, from experts, who have judged you against a set of ethical standards that are industry leading.
Business and Networking Opportunities – The WVRAs will bring together people from different industry sectors, you’ll have the chance to meet new people and make important contacts.
Winners – The winners of the Workplace Violence Reduction Awards (WVRAs) will be promoted nationally and internationally.

Who Can Enter?

The awards are open to anyone working in the area, from any sector, who meets the criteria for the relevant category.

How Do You Enter?

The entry process is straight forward with only two simple questions to answer for each category and it can all be done online.

Our Team

Martin Gill

Martin Gill

Founder & Director

Christine Brooks

Christine Brooks

Event Manager

Shrey Singh

Shrey Singh

Marketing & IT Lead

Becky Bills

Becky Bills

Event Coordinator

Claire Tankard

Claire Tankard

Senior Administrator